We got our first chrismas tree together, my roomies and I. ITS REAL! I love it.

They even sold "lilE size" christmas tree, as you can see I loved it!

I could have sworn we were in tornado ally! but nope we were still in provo, the wind was crazy.

Thanks to my most FAVORITE parents ever, i got to go home for Thanksgiving!
This is me and my girls loooveeee them!! we went ice skating at forest park! it was so much fun! kelsey and i were pros by this time..but aly and callie were soo to show us up..well me atleast, i think ice skating is in kelseys blood!

The night befor i left steven and i went to see cold play. our seats were awsome! we had so much fun and it was great to hang out with a friend from home! gosh i love that kid!...we dated, in like 5th grade uhh lovers!

awhile ago was rachels b-day. we got her a beautiful dress! aw she was so cute!