Ever see someone laying on the side of the street and think,"man, It would realy suck to be them." I know I have...and now I know IT DOES! okay, so maybe I'm not that homeles...well at all. Needless to say I am without home. A.K.A making me of the homless pool. I moved out of my apartment today...actually last night. I had to turn in my keys and what not this morning. Sad! I no longer live in apartment 203, not ganna lie, I'm pretty sad. I have grown up and changed so much in those four walls. I KNOW I'm still no grown up. but, I sure have grown up, alot. I think I will take a minute to tell you some funny storys. I dont get along with all my roommates right now...well when have I actually. NOT MY FAULT! one of my roommates liturally went crazy. died her hair black and all! but, she and I were friends once apon a time...
Kayla, My first friend in Utah. Gets married in May. We were both newbies. Sat in the back of church hopeing cute boy would welcome us to the ward...only to find the two of us glued together. she came over that day and ate lunch with me...and dinner too. We stayd pretty close...then we became friends with our roommates. Still love the girl and wish her the best of luck! Everytime I see her I think MY FIRST UTAH friend!...p.s. she took me on a really akward date with her once...without me knowing...
Rachel, My first roommate...I met her and she well made me nervous. Loved the girl, She is so funny. We dont really have any funny stories just...I got really sad one night and made her hug me for like an hour just standing there...We also all piled into the back of a truck together to get a christmas tree.
Bri, We got really close. One time we were house hunting and we got stuck in the SNOW! we had to get out and PUSH! luckily this little boy came out with a shuvel. I miss sonic theses days. to bad shes gone crazy.
Tiph, We got off on a great start that turned into a bad time that turned into goffball ness that turned into I wont stop hanging out with your sister and brother which turned into room with me next year! I have had so many ups and downs with this girl. See you next year little lady!
Garret, This guys just kept me sane. He helped me to understand the sisters better. His sisters. He sings celine dion with me, went to prom with me, and let me cry on his sholder when I got yelled at by his big sis. He lets me drive his car. Thats all I have to say.
KRISTA!, She is crazy and I love her! I have so much fun with her and lisa. They are so silly and love to eat candy with me. Not just candy, I dont want to fool you. We eat...everywhere, anytime. But dont get confused we worked it off too! got up at 5 a.m for cycling...swam...went on crazy diets, tryingto get sexy for prom! haha Shes keeping my boxs and helped me become a famous rap star. We will forever be friends.
Lisa, this is is amazing. She is so funny and laughs at everything. She is the mother to two adorable boys who dont like me or anyone else! haha. She always knew how to work it shrink it and make it fly! Sitting in the back row with her and krista was the best move I've made lately!
Pres, I have gone to school with this girl since day one. I will miss her alot. We didnt really mesh well in basics but when we hit masters we became great friends! She might even drive the astro van to the airport so all my friends can go! She is so funny and shes got the cutes fashion. Shell be a great mormon mom one day! ;)
...Sad to be leaveing, happy to be gettin to Illinois. Happy to come back too! I'm goin to ask for everyones prayers now because I'm really nervous about the events of the next 2 months. I really need my job to pull through and I really need to have a good time at home. THANKS LOVES TO ALL!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Busy little bee and her hive,
Great news, MY MOM WAS JUST HERE! It gets better....

Monday I recived a text from my sister in law. She had just one question. Was I awake?..my responce..yes...then she called....JUST one more question..How far away do you live from the University mall...my responce.. 5 min. HERS WELL BE THERE IN 5! Jessica and Brady came all the way to Utah to surpise me for my graduation! I WAS SO EXCITED! It was a total surpise! I thought something was up once because my dad kept saying...do you know everyone who is coming..so I thought he or my best friend was coming or something...he really didnt mean them though. He wasnt sure if I knew my sister was coming! That was so funny! 

They all just left. Ill post more later!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Real World,
Things are about to get real crazy here in P-Town. I leave on the 29th, not for good anymore. I will be back by the end of June. I am going to be starting a teaching postion at my school, FOR MAKEUP! Isnt that so great! I'm really excited to get that started. My teacher offered me the job about a week ago. It changes everything...For starters I have to come back and find another job. I cant do just the one job because it isnt very high paying so I will be looking right away for another job. When August rolls around I will be moving into a new apartment and it is with Tiphani. Here lies the problem. I have a dog, no dogs aloud. Any Ideas? I'm really freakin out! there is no way I can give her away. My only hope right now is that my new roommates wont mind having a illgal dog around. Look at my little baby girl I love her. She is so cute and she is so loving. I cant give her away but I am in dyier need of a pretty long time babysitter. I would totally pay for food and things that she needed like she were mine but not living with me. I love her so much she is so cute! what do I do people...what the heck do I do?!?!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Birthday...
50 comes but once a lifetime and for one special guy it came today. Happy birthday to my little old papa! You are always so proud of your kids, well today we are proud of you. You done good daddy, real good! No, your not really older then father time...but your creepin up there! ;) what a guy! Love you so so so much!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Face,
Have I ever mentioned how great of a family I have? well If I haven't my Sisters blog should do it for me. You see, It is no surprise that I love making funny faces but there is one face that trumps over everything...and I recently have been making everyone do it...no I was not aware of my family's help towards my efforts. But, I sure am glad to have them on my side for this one!

JESS if you want to do this..you aaron and brady can go ahead and give it a try! dang, we should have dont this for our family pictures..were all pretty good!
...Do you remember when my computer crashed and took everything with it? I do. I'm missing some amazing pictures and I'm really sorry you guys don't get to see them.

JESS if you want to do this..you aaron and brady can go ahead and give it a try! dang, we should have dont this for our family pictures..were all pretty good!
...Do you remember when my computer crashed and took everything with it? I do. I'm missing some amazing pictures and I'm really sorry you guys don't get to see them.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The so 2000 'n late,

I've truly been slackin and for that I am sorry. I've been so busy. You see when I am about to leave a place I try and do as much as I can. Remember when I was moving away from home. I spent pretty much the whole month of july trying to get in as much time with my family and friends as I could. That flowed into August and now I am do it here in Utah. Tryin to close a chapture in your favorite book is very hard, you want to keep reading, thats where I am.
~Here are the lovers together..I mean boys!
~This is John, Garrets old Comp. from his mission.
~Here are the lovers together..I mean boys!
~Open wide Garrett!...dont worry were friends!
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