highly funny people. please watch, you will I promise you enjoy this.
Long live the KING!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
What a day!
I cant say that this was the best day of my life. But, It has been a wonderful day!!!
1.) Found the best spot in my bed. It was so comfy so very perfect.
2.) Babysat baby girl and she was like always wonderful!
3.) Bought some fake eyelashes.
4.) spoke to peeps about waxing.
5.) Gave a great makeup/skin care demo.
6.) Not only did I get to wax Sister Porters eyebrows, Got to eat some of her yummy food! yum.
7.) Learned that PEOPLE actually DO read my blog! They will be happier from here on!
8.) I've been around lots of lovely people today!
9.) Watched MJ music videos all day. Amazing.
10.) Saw transformers, got a surprise and a hug. Don't laugh Lauren, I'm still very excited! :)
11.) Getting home to a mommie and daddy I love so much. They are off the chain.
12.) Watched a little Grease two with my dad and some of those creepy shoes he loves too.
13.) About to go read my Scriptures and have my nightly talk with my father.
14.) Sleep away while dreaming of the fun I'll have tomorrow in Navoo.
...This day was great. I am so blessed. So very blessed.
Tomorrow marks a sad anniversary. Joseph Smith was martyred in Navoo 165 years ago tomorrow. The 27th day of June, 1844. My sister, brotherinlaw, and a few friends will head up to Navoo this day to remember a great prophet. I love that place, Navoo is just filled with great things, though we are there in memory of the prophet we will still be having fun. I cant wait to eat some ginger bread yum!
1.) Found the best spot in my bed. It was so comfy so very perfect.
2.) Babysat baby girl and she was like always wonderful!
3.) Bought some fake eyelashes.
4.) spoke to peeps about waxing.
5.) Gave a great makeup/skin care demo.
6.) Not only did I get to wax Sister Porters eyebrows, Got to eat some of her yummy food! yum.
7.) Learned that PEOPLE actually DO read my blog! They will be happier from here on!
8.) I've been around lots of lovely people today!
9.) Watched MJ music videos all day. Amazing.
10.) Saw transformers, got a surprise and a hug. Don't laugh Lauren, I'm still very excited! :)
11.) Getting home to a mommie and daddy I love so much. They are off the chain.
12.) Watched a little Grease two with my dad and some of those creepy shoes he loves too.
13.) About to go read my Scriptures and have my nightly talk with my father.
14.) Sleep away while dreaming of the fun I'll have tomorrow in Navoo.
...This day was great. I am so blessed. So very blessed.
Tomorrow marks a sad anniversary. Joseph Smith was martyred in Navoo 165 years ago tomorrow. The 27th day of June, 1844. My sister, brotherinlaw, and a few friends will head up to Navoo this day to remember a great prophet. I love that place, Navoo is just filled with great things, though we are there in memory of the prophet we will still be having fun. I cant wait to eat some ginger bread yum!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Just some things on my mind.
First off, I'm not sure ho many of you know but, I am a makeup artist. I Have been offered a job in Utah at the school I attended, I will be teaching girls the ways of the makeup. I am nervous and really realllllly excited about this opportunity and as the time gets closer I get even more excited! It is a program that my teacher and I came up with. Basically she gave me guidelines to follow and I build the rest. I have the power points finished and I'm working on getting a portfolio together. two questions arise from this.
1.) What are some things you'd like to know more about make up? I love to ask question and even more so I love when people as me questions. So, If you think of a question ASK ME! anytime anywhere. If I cant tell you then, I'll figure it out and let you know. Plus, this lets me know what people are thinking, people like the students I will be teaching. tryin to plan ahead.
2.)I am in need of a photographer. I am in the process of putting a portfolio together and I need someone to take shots for me. I don't have allot of, I cant pay a legit person in a studio or anything but I also know that life's not free. Holla at me if you know anyone ;)
Another thing, on Friday I am giving a little one on one class to a lady about makeup and skin care. I'm so pumped! It gave me a really great Idea. Makeup Consultant. I don't know how it'd go right now But, I think that that is a good little side line job. What the deal is, I will give her some tips and tricks with what I have in my bag. But, as we all know, no two women have the same makeup bag. She will also bring hers and what well do is play with her makeup too. Allot of lady's, my self included, buy makeup they loved seeing on others or just at make up counters, not aware of what it is or if it takes different technique's to put on. We get home try it out and we think,"what did I just buy?!" Well, I've come to realize that all makeup is differed and takes different ways to be applicated. I'd love to help people know all the little gems they have in there makeup bag, those treasures you bought and never used are just as great as what you use everyday! All you need is a little help to open you eyes and it would totally save MONEY!! HOOLLAA!! haha.
Yay for makeup is all I can say, I love it so very much. I actually get butterfly's thinking about makeup? I just looovessss it!
...I did my girls makeup for them at prom. I've been doing makeup for these things for years! I love them for always letting me do it! Best friends rock. These are for sure my greatest clients! you can click on them to see them bigger. let me know what you think!
Monday, June 22, 2009
These are the days I live for.
By the clear beautiful pool with lots of familys around. Along with my brother and sister and brother in law and mike holllllaaa
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Breast Cancer Awarness
Tomorrow is the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 5k. My Mommom(grandma) had Breast cancer, tomorrow we walk for her. Tomorrow we walk for all those who fought the fight for their life and I couldn't be more proud of my Grandma. 10 years she has been surviving strong. For the fight she put up I couldn't be more grateful. I wrote a paper on her once. It was my hero's paper. I got to hold an Olympic torch because of her and her struggles. She is probably the strongest person I know. She couldn't come to Illinois to walk with us but She was be their in our hearts. Her spirt will be with us. Side by side my sister my mother and my self will be walking for a cure. walking for hope. walking with pride.
Mommom I love you and I thank you for surviving STRONG! here's to the next 10 years!
Mommom I love you and I thank you for surviving STRONG! here's to the next 10 years!

Have I mentioned I'm stoked!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Forget me nots.
Sunday was a great day, JESSICA AND BRADY came back for another visit before they had to leave us and go back to Arizona. Jessica's little sister had her second beautiful baby daughter not to long ago and Jessica being the great big sis that she is came to help her sister and see the new bundle of joy! In true Jessica nature she came to see us too! She is like this unbelievable sister-in-law that always has and always will treat us fair! That might not make since so let me explain. I've never though "o, my nephew is in town but Aaron's not with him so we wont really see him", Its more like' "JESSICA AND BRADY ARE COMING!!!!!" She is so great to us Grays and I know we are all very very thankful for her and her ability to love us and even more so become one of us....We are, a different type of family. An amazing family to say the least, if I may say so myself.

This is both of the airplanes. zoomed in all the way :)

yes, you can walk up a firetruck crain to get to some spots. Ill post more pictures of this too later....
~First stop was the City Museum. St. Louis is a great city to leave near. Plenty of fun things to do. Half of my family had never been here before. How? I have no clue! I have some AWESOME childhood memories here. Where was my family? Brady was a Little scared when we first got there. But, he quickly got over those fears and before we knew it he was almost 4 storeys in the air, climbing though an old airplane into a tower fit for a true princess. I think What helped was the ball pit. Once inside that pit he lost fear and became a wild man! Thanks to his uncle chad who showed him this place really was fun! Chad is some sort of a monkey, much like his older brother! Only sad part, we didn't get to go explore the caves and anyone who's anyone knows THE CAVES ARE INCREDIBLE!

This is both of the airplanes. zoomed in all the way :)
yes, you can walk up a firetruck crain to get to some spots. Ill post more pictures of this too later....
We Journeyd to Grants Farm today...that is another story. But, here are some funny pictures.
Somehow is always ends up like this....
...Seriously Jessica, we love you!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I got a twitter page while in utah awhile ago. only updated 5 times. If you have one let me know! They are pointless and add to ones self obbsession but alas I think they are quite interesting! gatta love those fads :)
Eta's Tweets
what do you think about the cheese name?! loves it!
Eta's Tweets
what do you think about the cheese name?! loves it!
Monday, June 1, 2009
I know I'm about to be twenty...

Tomorrow the Sims 3 come out. Why am I so addicted to these games I HAVE NO CLUE! I have gotten them all. I love them really, one of my best friends, Sarah and I love this game so much. Each time a game is added we freak out and talk about how excited both of us are and how we are going to play it so much!
Tonight my sister and I will be driving 20 min. to a 24 hour walmart to get the game. I have asked her to stay up with me and drive the drive to get the game that rules the world! I couldn't believe she said she would! She loves building houses on it so shes kinda excited too I think! I am so excited!!! only 40 min. till i can leave!

I cant lie, I highly enjoyed The Sims 2. It was everything I thought it would be and more! First off, I got to have my own children! They somewhat would look like me and my husband too and even act like us....just a little! I Loved the new building tools and decorations! I loved sending my Sims off in their brand new car to school, work, the mall and more! NOTHING was better then when I GOT to adopt animals! dogs, cats, birds, you name it! amazing right! Then came the seasons! Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! Forreals people. They even could go to college now! man, The Sims 2 rocked the boat. I Know the Sims 3 will own the Sims 2 though! I even made my father buy an expensive piece to add to our computer so that I could play this game!

Here is where it all began. I can actually tell you where I played the Sims for the first time. I was at my brothers baseball game, it just so happen that the coach had the baseball field in his back yard. He also had a daughter a year younger then myself. She is the one who introduced me to the game I just cant let go. We sat up in her computer room while the boys and our family's played and watched some good ole' American baseball. I had to have it but alas, our very old apple could not respond to the the Sims. That totally beats the having to add a piece to the computer to play the we needed well, a whole new computer. Then my best friend Sarah got the game! JEALOUSLY over took my life. We loved to make houses and live together. This is when I knew we'd be buds for a long long long time. (she is the one that is so excited about the Sims3 with me too!!!) Our friend laura had the game too, Sarah and I would go play with Laura sepratly and when we'd get on the Sims we'd try and steal eachothers boyfriend! haha love her! Finlay we got a computer!!! After many failed attempts my begging paid off and my parents bought me the Sims! It was amazing!!!!
....So tonight, I remember the good friends the Sims has helped me to have. The memories I hold with the Sims I will have forever. Cheese ball, I know. I cant help myself. I love the Sims! rock on Simers
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