I just got done with one of the worst days ever. the one where you smile and then BAM someone just spits on you! and your like what the...but you think whatever that was weird and then someone kicks you and tries to steal your dress and you think crazy old man give me my stuff and you tell yourself o it can only get better...and it get worse and then WORSE and then you get thrown under a bus and that bus drives over you 3 maybe even 4 times and just when you think its over your left feeling like the biggest peice of crap and you say our sorrys b.c you are just that, sorry. your humbled by the fact everything happens for a reason. its almost april and when that sunny month comes I wont even neeeeed 2 jobs. but I will look for another b.c lets get real I cant stay in one place for to long. right? oooo since I made you listen to my confusing rant Ill post some supper cute pictures of the last couple weeks...days? heck I dont know!..........cant move the pictures down...hahaha sorry whoops!