Wednesday, September 3, 2008

heres to my goals

Today, in the first half of my class. I am on my lunch break right now. But, we had to write down some goals for the next 4 months. I want to share mine with you just because well I just do.

1. Join this place. First class on thursday. Its free, just this once. Ryan will help me.

2.Find a Job. So that I may, "box"

3.Eat healthy. hard to do with Tippy...I just found out that my roommate tiffanys name is actually Tiphani.what?

4.Do really good in school.

5.Clean my room.(always on my list)

6.Go on a date.....go on a freakin date. HELLO PEOPLE!

7.Write in my journal. Last night I was writing and Rachel saw me and said,"aw you write in your journal every night? Thats so mormon!" :) I am so proud.

8.Try to organize my room and keep it that way.

That will have to be it right now

here are some pictures for my mommom to see.
Kayla my first Utah friend.

Tiphani. My Crazy fav. roomie!
Provo temple. Which I can see from..ANYWHERE!


Porter Family said...

You'll accomplish every one of those goals! It looks like you're having fun. I'm really glad! Miss ya.

..................... said...

you look sooooo pretty in that last way jealous of your hair...