Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
no blackberry for me...
I GOT A NEW PHONE TODAY! it is pretty awsome! thanks to mom and dad, man people i have the best parents!
Though, I had went into verizon with my sights set on a blackberry. Sad news, Verizon made a new rule that you have to be married to get a blackberry! LAME. not a single perk as you can tell. :) hehehehe
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Finding ones self.
Add I previously posted, Since I have no connections holding me down...I REALLY REALLY want to travel. I just, I have no clue how to. I need money, that's one thing. Then I need the initial thing. A purpose.
Germany. My uncle is here. That means a place to stay, but I would want to travel while I was there and that's even more money so, not sounding so good.
Ireland. I would sleep in the streets to go to this place. Probably my biggest dream to go here. Need I say more?
London. My father worked here for a while. He took my mother many a times. I have always wanted to go with him. Now I'm old enough to go on my own :) p.s they have the dermal institute, can you say rock'n esthitian!?
There is something about adventure that I have always loved. As a child, and I realise I am still basically a child, I have always be fond of adventure. My friends and I would always act like we were older and wondering the world, we would ride our bikes around different neighborhoods and explore. Not leaving ours out we would dig in the un-built atop of lots, digging for anything that might be interesting. and now, I am in Utah, I do whatever I can, If an opportunity arises I take it. I feel like I have been blessed in a way to be single, for that reason I have been able to go where ever calls my name and my heart. Heres to following my heart and finding away to Europe...maybe I can hit up all 3. Hey, a girl can dream right?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Today I talked with a girl at school that has only known her husband since August. Yes, I did say husband. I thought to myself how SHORT that is. You see, as a single gal myself I don't really understand love. How do you know you love someone and most of all how do you know you can love them forever. She told me she knew right away that he was the one, though the engagement was a surprise she wasn't scared one bit. Then she kept going, In my mind this all happens so quick someone meets someone and then bam that's it love have no worries. She Then started telling me about China, she had spent some time over there teaching young ones to speak English. Not only that, she did it because she had a missionary out and she had been with him for 5 years so she never thought there was anyone else, little did she know there was. And now, she is with him for ever...and I mean EVER! There was another girl in my class awhile ago, I really looked up to her, and again being the single gal that I am I find myself fascinated with love. Obviously. She also had a very short relationship with her husban, and again I thought o how easy. But, little did I know about her story either. She had dated many other guys, been through hair school and been though a lot period. She meet her husband and life just paned out and now there having a baby. I just dont understand love. mostly I cant wait till I do. What I have been learning though is that I cant wait around for it to happen. I need to add some adventure to my life. Have fun with my friends, see the world, do things that I cant do in later years to come. I always say that Its time for me time but I've only been half doin it. I am fighting the great fight here. Finding out who I am. I want to do great things, I want to go and help children in other countrys, fundraise, have odd and end jobs, have just random fun!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
V-Day presents come from mama...
Don't worry! I am sooo not complaining! I'd much rather have my great presents from my mom then some cheapy junk from some lover! Lefts be serious for a minute, 9 out of 10 guys just gets the girl some flowers and chocolate, I know what I'm not missing out on hehe:) I was extreamly excited for the past week because I knew my mom had sent me a wonderful gift for Valentines day. Even more excitement came because I also got to have a great day that day too! I spent it with the wonderful Grays in Arizona for B-boys birthday! That ment though that I had to send today trackin down the UPS driver so I could get my GIFT! oo how I love when my mom sends me boxes! its like my birthday every time! She did great folks! A NORTH FACE pull over!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! LOLLIPOPS! ANNNNDD JELLY BELLY'S!!! it was all wrapped up so cutely too! If there is one thing my mom and sister can do like a pro, its wrapping gifts! I was not so lucky in this area. DID I mention the cute little card! soooo cute! and CHAD even signed it! aw I miss my brother! Well this has been a great weekend, to bad it had to end :)
New plan, Lets get real I'll never live in london in my own little farm house out in the middle of no where so, UPDATE! I'm going to be a drifter, going from family member to friend and back... :) I know some really wicked people so, how could this not sound great! SINGLE PERK!
New plan, Lets get real I'll never live in london in my own little farm house out in the middle of no where so, UPDATE! I'm going to be a drifter, going from family member to friend and back... :) I know some really wicked people so, how could this not sound great! SINGLE PERK!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Driving 12+ hours alone,

Wednesday night I made the last minute decision to surprise my beautiful sister in law and sky flying brother! My nephew who just so happens to be THE cutest toddler ever, seriously people I kid you not he is insanely adorable, He just celebrated his 2nd birthday! yes he is now two and he is just so smart. Here is where driving 12+ hours in a little red car by myself comes when.
Let me tell you something though. IT WAS WORTH IT MORE THEN I COULD EXPLAIN. There is nothing I love more then my family. I am just so blessed that I am able to sper of the moment see my family. I am over 20 hours away from my parents, that has been hard for me. So, when I had the opportunity to see family I knew I had to.
Friday morning I woke up at 5:45 and by 6:20 I was on the road. It is the prettiest drive, I tried to take pictures, they do the land no justice. The drive was amazing. I can say I did to much thinking while driving. I basically tired to keep my eyes on the road because I often find my eyes wondering to the beautiful scenery. It wasn't all fun and games though. Mom, Do not read pass here...I had many near death experiences. This is not a single perk I will just add that. You see, after these experiences I wanted to laugh and scream with someone and...I couldn't, I called my best friend while she was in class and had to leave a message. Later that day I got pulled over. YEP I WORKED IT THOUGH!! "well officer I slammed on my brakes because I didn't want to hit the person in front of me, o no I didn't know I was going faster then them. I'm sorry I'm coming from Provo to surprise my nephew for his birthday, yes I know my license says I'm from Illinois, I'm going for beauty school...YOU ARNT GIVING ME A TICKET BECAUSE I'M A STUDENT! thanks you so much!" there was even more convo but I wont boor you any more...and there we have a perk of being single. No one to show a point to, when there is someone else in the car they usually give you the ticket because they want to use you as an example. LAME but lucky I did not get a ticket. :) Then I arrived in Tucson, My brother called me and made me almost miss my exit...p.s mom you may begin reading again. so I took a sharp turn onto my exit and then we kept talking and I thought I was lost so I just wanted to scream AARON WHERE AM I!?!?! but, I didn't and I soon found myself at there house. It wasn't that easy but I wont even try to explain that.

You see, when you are single you get to do everything you want. I wanted to make a last minute trip to Arizona, I did it. But, this means that my only friend is my cd player because lets get real, there arnt many good stations out here on the radio and I couldn't find the good ones if I tried. You see, when you have a wing man you just have them be on radio duty but me, I was on radio duty, cop spotting and mile watching all by myself. But, It also means, Feeding one person, not stopping all the time for potty breaks and no one annoyingly snoring! :) Now, I must go to sleep. Though I don't want to I need to sleep so I wont when I drive, I'm the only one that will be driving.
Let me tell you something though. IT WAS WORTH IT MORE THEN I COULD EXPLAIN. There is nothing I love more then my family. I am just so blessed that I am able to sper of the moment see my family. I am over 20 hours away from my parents, that has been hard for me. So, when I had the opportunity to see family I knew I had to.
Friday morning I woke up at 5:45 and by 6:20 I was on the road. It is the prettiest drive, I tried to take pictures, they do the land no justice. The drive was amazing. I can say I did to much thinking while driving. I basically tired to keep my eyes on the road because I often find my eyes wondering to the beautiful scenery. It wasn't all fun and games though. Mom, Do not read pass here...I had many near death experiences. This is not a single perk I will just add that. You see, after these experiences I wanted to laugh and scream with someone and...I couldn't, I called my best friend while she was in class and had to leave a message. Later that day I got pulled over. YEP I WORKED IT THOUGH!! "well officer I slammed on my brakes because I didn't want to hit the person in front of me, o no I didn't know I was going faster then them. I'm sorry I'm coming from Provo to surprise my nephew for his birthday, yes I know my license says I'm from Illinois, I'm going for beauty school...YOU ARNT GIVING ME A TICKET BECAUSE I'M A STUDENT! thanks you so much!" there was even more convo but I wont boor you any more...and there we have a perk of being single. No one to show a point to, when there is someone else in the car they usually give you the ticket because they want to use you as an example. LAME but lucky I did not get a ticket. :) Then I arrived in Tucson, My brother called me and made me almost miss my exit...p.s mom you may begin reading again. so I took a sharp turn onto my exit and then we kept talking and I thought I was lost so I just wanted to scream AARON WHERE AM I!?!?! but, I didn't and I soon found myself at there house. It wasn't that easy but I wont even try to explain that.

You see, when you are single you get to do everything you want. I wanted to make a last minute trip to Arizona, I did it. But, this means that my only friend is my cd player because lets get real, there arnt many good stations out here on the radio and I couldn't find the good ones if I tried. You see, when you have a wing man you just have them be on radio duty but me, I was on radio duty, cop spotting and mile watching all by myself. But, It also means, Feeding one person, not stopping all the time for potty breaks and no one annoyingly snoring! :) Now, I must go to sleep. Though I don't want to I need to sleep so I wont when I drive, I'm the only one that will be driving.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Big Sis,
I feel i need to humble myself to everone, please know im not going crazy(I think). I am so blessed! I have great roommates that help me for the future. I have found out while in utah that I am a great person and deserve someone as great :), still waiting...hehe just kidding. I have a great family too, I can truly tell the world my best friends are my mom and my sister! I wouldnt change anything about our relationships. I only hope they stay this strong forever. Also, I got me a good religion. full of truth and happiness and i know when i follow it I will be blessed, hence all my blessings :). I'm also excited in a while to be back in the ville, much need bffe time with my best friend aly is needed and will be had! and my little baby lilly who i find myself dreaming about!! o i miss her! i ofter imagin her getting into my food if i set it down...darn the cute little fluffy dog! Then i do get sad a little because no one is there to tell no too, no on is getting into my food, barking at the door, or even climbing in my lap! Those are the times i truly miss. so now with 2 1/2 months left, I decided I am ready to go home. I have done all i can in utah for now. yes people for now. If the chace comes where i can come back I will take it. But for now my life is in the lords hands and I may only know where i need to be untill may, But thats my life I love it. It is how its always been.Im not a planer, I am a see it, want it , do it kinda girl. SO LIFE! BRING IT ON!
...p.s to my big sis. i do notice the gramical errors..I DONT CARE :) love you.
...p.s to my big sis. i do notice the gramical errors..I DONT CARE :) love you.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
hatein to cover up donny :(
But, I am up at 8:20 eating breakfest, needing to get ready but still checkin the internet! haha. Today I found some stuff on yahoo I'm really excited about!!! COUPONS! as a poo' college kid I think its about time i get my head on straight and start useing coupons. They even have some for the stuff that I buy. I'm going to try and look in newspapers too! yep I'm a real women now! ;)
Also, last night while I was having a very important dicussion with one of my roommates, another roommate came to the door banging! see, we have beeen haveing a litle problem with our shower for about a week now and it go worse! the water was gusshing!! so we ran around like chickens with there heads cut off trying to find some help. We inlisted our buddy jack over to try and fix it. he couldnt fix it so he just shut the water off. THANK YOU JACK! but, then I relised i hadnt showered that day...and I wouldnt be able to the next day either so I had to go so someone elses aparment and shower....so now as I eat my Kashi GOLean Crunch or little crestwood fixit guy friend is in the bathroom fixin it up for me! yep isnt that wonderful!
Also, last night while I was having a very important dicussion with one of my roommates, another roommate came to the door banging! see, we have beeen haveing a litle problem with our shower for about a week now and it go worse! the water was gusshing!! so we ran around like chickens with there heads cut off trying to find some help. We inlisted our buddy jack over to try and fix it. he couldnt fix it so he just shut the water off. THANK YOU JACK! but, then I relised i hadnt showered that day...and I wouldnt be able to the next day either so I had to go so someone elses aparment and shower....so now as I eat my Kashi GOLean Crunch or little crestwood fixit guy friend is in the bathroom fixin it up for me! yep isnt that wonderful!
Monday, February 2, 2009
I <3 Being Mormon
Something told me this morning as I was running out the door to grab my camra. GOOD THING I DID!! I met donny osmond today! We went and waxed at a highschool this morning, as you can see I am finishing that boys pits! So funny! I wish my high school did cool stuff like this! but really people DONNY OSMOND! his son was so cute! looked just like him in a 16 year olds body!I was freakin out just like I always do for anyone remotely famous! haha The boy I was waxing was like I go to church with them....BROTHER OSMOND! I WAS LIKE SHUT UP!!! haha it was soo funny! ooo how I miss high school!

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