Monday, February 2, 2009

I <3 Being Mormon

Something told me this morning as I was running out the door to grab my camra. GOOD THING I DID!! I met donny osmond today! We went and waxed at a highschool this morning, as you can see I am finishing that boys pits! So funny! I wish my high school did cool stuff like this! but really people DONNY OSMOND! his son was so cute! looked just like him in a 16 year olds body!I was freakin out just like I always do for anyone remotely famous! haha The boy I was waxing was like I go to church with them....BROTHER OSMOND! I WAS LIKE SHUT UP!!! haha it was soo funny! ooo how I miss high school!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness!! That is just crazy luck isn't it? Andy why would you be waxing high school boys armpits??? We never had anything like that in high school for sure! Anyway, I met Donny Osmond many years ago. He was in our sacrament meeting on a sunday morning after he did a concert in bloomington the night before. It was pretty cool. I didn't get a picture with him though. Lucky girl!