Friday, October 16, 2009

Dear Mommy,

Will you ever know how much you help me? Will you ever understand how sorry I am for being the biggest brat ever. Will you ever know just how much I love you? Will I ever be able to repay you for all the blessings you've given me? Will I have be able to say thank you enough for helping me? Will you ever know how much I love you, just as much as I love my daddy? Will you ever know how much I appreciate the phone calls? Will you ever see how grateful I am to look like you? Will you ever know how proud I am to be half Gordy? Will you ever know how thankful I am you raised me in the church? Will you ever know how happy I am that YOU got baptised? Will you ever know how thankful I am that we say "I love you" at the end of our conversations no matter how cranky I am? Will you ever know just how much I want to be like you when I'm a mom? Will you ever know how thankful I am that you made me workout? Will you ever know how grateful I am for all the extras you give me? Will you ever know how happy I am when I get your packages in the mail? Will you ever understand just how much I NEVER want to live away from you again? Will you ever know how much I love your mom? Will you ever know how happy I am that I am a re rejoyce? Will you ever know how thankful I am that I am your mothers granddaughter therefor givin the strength to do ANYTHING?

Mommy I am so glad your mine.


Jessica said...

Now you are making me cry! I remember telling my mom the same things around the same age you are. It's like it just clicks and you really realize how great your mom really is!

..................... said...

suck up!!!:)

Hollie Gordy said...

omgish girl that made me cry and laugh...well written!!!