First story,
This Thursday we have enrichment so I went around to ask girls to bring treats. One girl told me she wouldn't be there on Thursday and then proceed to tell me why...Her father had just suffered a heart attack and it was so bad that they couldn't help him in Wyoming so he was brought to Salt Lake. Well Being as I am in Relief Society now my Prisent and I who was with me at the time decided we were going to take her dinner to take to her mom. Well, today I got a call my Jamie the president and she explained to me a little more about what was going on...things had changed. There was some sort of complication and they could no longer do the surgery on Thursday...they sent her father back to Wyoming. They rescheduled the surgery for next Thursday but, they also do not expect him to live that long... I can not even imagine being giving an expiration date on my dad. I can not imagine telling someone that I had been told my daddy wouldn't make it... The girl who's father it is said that she feels comfort and knows that it is the lords plan..but I, I feel horrible. I just love my daddy and couldn't...I'm not finishing that sentence. Please pray for her.
2nd Story,
Last night while driving to instatue we were talking about our RP. Well, I told my friends how mine was in my dads "special things" drawer and when I went to look for it I got caught up in post cards and letters my daddy's dad had sent to him...My dad lost his dad when he was really young. I think about 15. Reading those letters broke my heart. He would send 10 dollars so my dad could have his brother drive him up to see him, he'd make him have his brother promise to take him... It made me so sad that my dad couldn't just call up his daddy when ever he wanted...he had to wait for letters. I'm so glad that I can be with my family forever and one day Ill get to meet my dads dad.
3rd story,
My poor sweet little Brady and Jessica. I read my sister inlaws blog this morning and CRIED! Aaron is away just at training but as she points out soon enough he'll be back in Afghanistan. She talks about how Brady misses his daddy, my brother, and how when he is sad and her too they can just give him and call...for now. I love Jessica and Brady so much and I don't know how Jessica does it! Sending her man off all the time! She is such a strong wife and mother. I only hope I can be like her when I am married. Although I hope my husband doesn't have to leave all the time. Thank you Jess for putting up with my brother love for his country.
4th story,
On yahoo, my fav. place to get info, I read about this little 4 year old girl who didn't want to let go of her daddy. I hope I can tell the story as well as yahoo did... So, The little 4 year old girl was seeing her father off to Iraq with the rest of her family but she really really didn't want him to go...she couldn't let him go. She stood by him as him and his fellow Army men lined up. No one had the heart to move her or even ask her to move. So, they left her there with her father...her mom caught the broke my heart. She was later interviewed and said that she still really misses her daddy....break. my. heart. again. Pray for her and her family.

...How could that picture not break your heart? I love my dad so much...and I just played a little game of phone tag with him...and am waiting for his 2nd call back...please be swift father.
p.s you can click on the links to read the whole storys but get a tissue ready. you WILL cry.
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