Thursday, November 13, 2008


So, I dont know if I have mentioned but I have an amazing family. Direct and indirect. You see, my cousin (aka my moms best friends daughter) came to visit me. She lives in good old sailisbury, maryland. Thats fight folks she flew from across the US just to see me! Her fav. cousin! haha. it took her and me and long time to get here but we are! haha. see she always loved my sister more...duhh but now she and I are the best of friends! just like are moms. Um.. and we are both pretty much replicas of our mothers.

Abigale wulff,
lil pam

Erica Gray
lil teresa
I took it apone ourself to have us make sunday dinner. abby made awsome pasta and I made oatmeal cookies. THEY ROCKED! they are my fav. forsure

That night, while bri napped, we tried to hike to skwapeek. didnt work so good. we never made it to the very top. so sad!

Then, we came home to a very awake bir. she thought it would be a good idea to hike the Y. well Y not we thought.
This is us at the top, ye the top right hand side of the Y. we took the long way. bout killed us, but we did make it!

We did have to take some breaks, I mean we had walked alot that day.

on our way up we found this awsome rock. Well, the 3 musketeers decided that we needed pics!

This is us at the end of it all. wiped out

so, we came home and had some cider...haha that stuff is so good!

The next day I had to take her to spoone me, its my home away from home peeps!

..we added to the spoone collection!

o, i forgot to tell you. we nerfed it up that night too, the night we walked..everywhere
she is so daring!

The night abby left we all went out to dinner.

Today is rachels birthday so, abby thought we could just celebrate it early. she thought to tell the people it was rachels b-day. how sweet!...we had to have our turn..DUHH

Shes, crazy. but i love her!

Well, we didnt want to night to end so we thought we'd show abby how mormons get down! thats right people, energy drinks! also we didnt want to fall asleep. haha abby andi were on the hats team! we killed them!

so, we made our beds in the living room. didnt sleep. at all.

The next morning we went to mimi's cafe for breakfast. that was 7 a.m.

Then, i had to go to class for 4 hours. abby came and got a facial. then we left for the airport. sad day! we had arbys, in honor of our parents.

and then it was over. the most fun in 4 days i have ever had!

Thanks abby, for everything! almost winning a wii was a blast, shooting nerfs, staying up all night, trying to deoterize my egged room, buying shoes, spending lots of money, eating out....alllll the time, sneaking around walmart..all 97 times we went, hikeing everything, hats hats hats, chips and cheese, no bra, THATS IGNORANT, what?, church clothes, and sunday dinner, all memories ill never forget!..uh im over it
...well now i have to go, I think ill be sick if i dont get away from the eggs! ahh

1 comment:

..................... said...

How funny is that with Jason's face!! OH MY GOSH!! I was cracking myself up making that one!!!