Tuesday, December 16, 2008


O my family. they are truly a great bunch. I leave for home on Saturday, for three whole weeks. It will be a very busy three weeks, i can tell you that right now. My brother will be coming home from his mission. It will be really great to have everyone home. Aw, I cant wait to see little brady boy. And, I expcially cant wait to see my big sister! She is the strongest person I know and I really look up to her. She is so pretty, and always well put together. She is the person I always cry to, she always knows just what to say to make me feel better. I wish I could be just like her like that. I never know what to say to people when they cry to me. On sunday our bishop explained to us what should be on our real christmas lists. He is a very smart man. But, I have my own proper christmas list not to unlike his.

1. Happy times with my family

2. Time to study the scriptures with my familys(here and there)

3. A true understanding of the meaning of things.

Theres my weepy blog for tonight. I know that god does things for a reason and all will be well. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I can't wait to see you either Erica, even though I know you like everyone else I visit hopes I come just to bring my Brady boy. But that's OK. Everyone uses me to get to Brady! JK See you this weekend! Love ya!