Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Forget me nots.

Sunday was a great day, JESSICA AND BRADY came back for another visit before they had to leave us and go back to Arizona. Jessica's little sister had her second beautiful baby daughter not to long ago and Jessica being the great big sis that she is came to help her sister and see the new bundle of joy! In true Jessica nature she came to see us too! She is like this unbelievable sister-in-law that always has and always will treat us fair! That might not make since so let me explain. I've never though "o, my nephew is in town but Aaron's not with him so we wont really see him", Its more like' "JESSICA AND BRADY ARE COMING!!!!!" She is so great to us Grays and I know we are all very very thankful for her and her ability to love us and even more so become one of us....We are, a different type of family. An amazing family to say the least, if I may say so myself.

~First stop was the City Museum. St. Louis is a great city to leave near. Plenty of fun things to do. Half of my family had never been here before. How? I have no clue! I have some AWESOME childhood memories here. Where was my family? Brady was a Little scared when we first got there. But, he quickly got over those fears and before we knew it he was almost 4 storeys in the air, climbing though an old airplane into a tower fit for a true princess. I think What helped was the ball pit. Once inside that pit he lost fear and became a wild man! Thanks to his uncle chad who showed him this place really was fun! Chad is some sort of a monkey, much like his older brother! Only sad part, we didn't get to go explore the caves and anyone who's anyone knows THE CAVES ARE INCREDIBLE!

This is both of the airplanes. zoomed in all the way :)

yes, you can walk up a firetruck crain to get to some spots. Ill post more pictures of this too later....

We Journeyd to Grants Farm today...that is another story. But, here are some funny pictures.

Somehow is always ends up like this....

...Seriously Jessica, we love you!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Seriously, I love you all too! And I'm not just saying that! :) I had such a good time with all of you and I know Brady really did too. He even was telling me to open my hand today and he had a kiss for me in there! How cute is that? He must get that from his Aunt E-ta!