Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today I talked with a girl at school that has only known her husband since August. Yes, I did say husband. I thought to myself how SHORT that is. You see, as a single gal myself I don't really understand love. How do you know you love someone and most of all how do you know you can love them forever. She told me she knew right away that he was the one, though the engagement was a surprise she wasn't scared one bit. Then she kept going, In my mind this all happens so quick someone meets someone and then bam that's it love have no worries. She Then started telling me about China, she had spent some time over there teaching young ones to speak English. Not only that, she did it because she had a missionary out and she had been with him for 5 years so she never thought there was anyone else, little did she know there was. And now, she is with him for ever...and I mean EVER! There was another girl in my class awhile ago, I really looked up to her, and again being the single gal that I am I find myself fascinated with love. Obviously. She also had a very short relationship with her husban, and again I thought o how easy. But, little did I know about her story either. She had dated many other guys, been through hair school and been though a lot period. She meet her husband and life just paned out and now there having a baby. I just dont understand love. mostly I cant wait till I do. What I have been learning though is that I cant wait around for it to happen. I need to add some adventure to my life. Have fun with my friends, see the world, do things that I cant do in later years to come. I always say that Its time for me time but I've only been half doin it. I am fighting the great fight here. Finding out who I am. I want to do great things, I want to go and help children in other countrys, fundraise, have odd and end jobs, have just random fun!

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