Tuesday, February 17, 2009

V-Day presents come from mama...

Don't worry! I am sooo not complaining! I'd much rather have my great presents from my mom then some cheapy junk from some lover! Lefts be serious for a minute, 9 out of 10 guys just gets the girl some flowers and chocolate, I know what I'm not missing out on hehe:) I was extreamly excited for the past week because I knew my mom had sent me a wonderful gift for Valentines day. Even more excitement came because I also got to have a great day that day too! I spent it with the wonderful Grays in Arizona for B-boys birthday! That ment though that I had to send today trackin down the UPS driver so I could get my GIFT! oo how I love when my mom sends me boxes! its like my birthday every time! She did great folks! A NORTH FACE pull over!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! LOLLIPOPS! ANNNNDD JELLY BELLY'S!!! it was all wrapped up so cutely too! If there is one thing my mom and sister can do like a pro, its wrapping gifts! I was not so lucky in this area. DID I mention the cute little card! soooo cute! and CHAD even signed it! aw I miss my brother! Well this has been a great weekend, to bad it had to end :)

New plan, Lets get real I'll never live in london in my own little farm house out in the middle of no where so, UPDATE! I'm going to be a drifter, going from family member to friend and back... :) I know some really wicked people so, how could this not sound great! SINGLE PERK!