Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finding ones self.

Add I previously posted, Since I have no connections holding me down...I REALLY REALLY want to travel. I just, I have no clue how to. I need money, that's one thing. Then I need the initial thing. A purpose.

Germany. My uncle is here. That means a place to stay, but I would want to travel while I was there and that's even more money so, not sounding so good.

Ireland. I would sleep in the streets to go to this place. Probably my biggest dream to go here. Need I say more?

London. My father worked here for a while. He took my mother many a times. I have always wanted to go with him. Now I'm old enough to go on my own :) p.s they have the dermal institute, can you say rock'n esthitian!?

There is something about adventure that I have always loved. As a child, and I realise I am still basically a child, I have always be fond of adventure. My friends and I would always act like we were older and wondering the world, we would ride our bikes around different neighborhoods and explore. Not leaving ours out we would dig in the un-built atop of lots, digging for anything that might be interesting. and now, I am in Utah, I do whatever I can, If an opportunity arises I take it. I feel like I have been blessed in a way to be single, for that reason I have been able to go where ever calls my name and my heart. Heres to following my heart and finding away to Europe...maybe I can hit up all 3. Hey, a girl can dream right?

1 comment:

Katie and joe said...

do it erica! i was just getting ready to start applications for a study abroad is spain when i got engaged.... do it now!